Fittings cover twin ferrule tube fittings, pipe fittings, weld fittings, O-ring face seal fittings, vent protectors, dielectric fittings, fusible fittings.
Metal Gasket Face Seal Fittings
Metal gasket face seal fittings(VCR fittings) series cover SG, G, BB, WA, WU, WUE, WUT, WUC, FN, MN, SMN, MC, FC, TF, BTF, BMC, U, BU, BTB, C, FU, RA, RB, ME, UE, UE, UT, UC, PL, CA, GA. Size range is from 1/16 to 1 inch.
Ultra-High Pressure
Ultra-high pressure products cover low pressure, medium pressure, high pressure and ultra-high pressure valves, fittings and tubing, subsea valves, adapters, couplings and tooling.
Sample Cylinders and Condensate Pots
Hikelok sample cylinders and condensate pots are widely applied in lab.
Ball Valves
Ball valves series cover BV1, BV2, BV3, BV4, BV5, BV6, BV7, BV8. The working pressure is from 3,000psig (206 bar) to 6,000psig (413 bar).
Bellows-Sealed Valves
Bellows-sealed valves series cover BS1, BS2, BS3, BS4. The working pressure is from 1,000psig (68.9bar) to 2,500psig (172bar).
Block and Bleed Valves
Block and bleed valves series cover MB1, BB1, BB2, BB3, BB4, DBB1, DBB2, DBB3, DBB4. The max working pressure is up to 10,000psig (689bar).
Proportional Relief Valves
Proportional relief valves series cover RV1, RV2, RV3, RV4. The setting pressure is from 5 psig (0.34 bar) to 6,000psig (413bar).
Flexible Hoses
Flexible hose series cover MF1, PH1, HPH1, PB1. The working pressure is up to 10,000psig (689 bar).